From the Summer 2014 Issue

History and geography have made trains a constant presence here. A feature package of stories:
They seem ever-present around Sandpoint and, in fact, they have been. Trains have figured in our history from the beginning – since those first tracks were laid in 1882 with the sweat of Chinese laborers.
That trains are so pervasive here is owing to both history and geography. Sandpoint is known as the “funnel” because all major, northern tier rail lines come together to squeeze through our town; today, more than 50 trains a day pass through. That is a lot of trains. With increasing demand for oil and coal transport to the coast, the number may jump dramatically.
For a town whose past is so entwined with trains, we’re at a new historic moment. We can see down the tracks.
Yes, there’s a train coming.
More: A Train History • Saving Our Depot
The Amtrak Experience • Railfans • Coal and Oil Trains A’Coming • Train Dangers
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