Reflecting Sandpoint's beautiful place in the world since 1990.

Also in this issue:

Festival food
The menu is delicious, always. Plus: A first-timer’s experience.

Hope is happening
There’s something for everyone in this little big town.

Hand carved
Sculptor Mark Heisel has a reverence for stone.

It just gets inside of you
Debut novel 'Idaho' gains accolades nationwide.

New campaign, Old values
Group kicks off effort to “Reclaim Idaho.”

Museum unearths criminal past
Cabinet of curiosities reveals dark side of Bonner County.

Nicky Pleass, awesome octogenarian
World navigator still blazing trails.

Happy trails
Bikers have many ways to go explore.

Where the world ceases to exist
Life on the lake generates memories that last through generations.

Cabinets, still wild
Popular hiking guide out in third edition.

A smaller hamster wheel
A physicist and a doctor walk into a hardware store...

Downtown street rearrangement
Summer changes to Sandpoint’s downtown district.

Horses from the heart
Hope artist launches Whinny Nicker Neigh series for children.

Clagstone Meadows
Pioneer ranchland opens to the public in August.

Summer 2017

Get your Summer on! Here's a lineup of stories to inspire adventure and provide discoveries of Sandpoint arts, community and culture. Cover stories on kayaking Pend Oreille lake and river will get you paddling, complete with a map to the best launch points.

And there's far more, including a feature interview with Mediators Beyond Borders co-founder Kenneth Cloke; a first-timer's experience at the Festival at Sandpoint, plus stories on arts, dining, events and more. Click to read the flip-page edition.

Online Articles

Other Issues

Summer 2021
Winter 2022
Winter 2012
Winter 2009
Summer 2022
Summer 2007

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About Keokee

Keokee Co. Publishing, Inc. in Sandpoint, Idaho produces Sandpoint Magazine, as well as a variety of books under the imprint Keokee Books. Keokee is also a full service marketing company, providing branding, marketing and website development services.